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Postpartum Support

Postpartum Your Way

A postpartum doulas primary goal is to provide the birthing person rest, relaxation, and the opportunity to heal after giving birth. This can take form in many different ways. No two families are alike and therefore it will be your family’s individual needs that decide the type of service you will want and this could change based on needs arising or decreasing. Let’s take one day or night at a time together.

Postpartum Daytime
(8 am - 7 pm)

$35/hour (min 2 hours/max 5 hours)

Having a postpartum doula come for the day is a wonderful way to incorporate learning and guidance into this new life with your new born. Take a look at what it could look like: 

  • Preparing sitz baths and ice packs
  • Open heart and listening ears – dedicated to you and your wellness
  • Evidence-based information given as needed
  • Breastfeeding support and helping with positioning
  • Baby’s laundry and dishes (bottles, nipples, etc)
  • Basic Infant Care
  • Go with you to run errands 
  • Preparing Meals & Snacks
  • Offering time for basic human care & self care (naps, showers, etc)

Postpartum Evening
(7 pm - 8 am)

$35/hour (min 8 hours/max 10 hours)

Sleep while you are healing and adjusting is invaluable to families. Having a postpartum doula come and support you overnight can help tremendously with mental health and learning the new normal. Here is what a typical overnight shift could look like: 

  • Open heart and listening ears – dedicated to you and your wellness
  • Evidence-based information given as needed
  • Breastfeeding support and helping with positioning
  • Baby’s laundry and dishes (bottles, nipples, etc)
  • Basic Infant Care
  • Offering uninterrupted sleep – unless you need to feed baby.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Postpartum Doula?

A postpartum doula – much like a labor doula is a trained professional who provides physical, emotional and informational support to the primary parent and family members. 

This person can also provide light household organization, instruction to the new parents,  and breastfeeding support. The postpartum doula’s role is provide education and support to the new family – they are not meant to be caregivers. 

What does "light household organization" look like?

This can be a very grey line – but a postpartum doula does not double as a housekeeper. Tidying up, a couple loads of laundry (for baby), surface cleaning, and perhaps a few baby dishes (bottles, nipples, etc). I go over specifics during our consultation and in my contract. 

Do you sleep during overnights?

When doing an overnight – I will rest when the baby is sleeping and if my other tasks are done. I want to make sure that I am useful to you during this time and as a human I also need rest.

Who really needs a Postpartum Doula?

The 4th trimester is one of my areas of passion. Once the baby is born it becomes less about the birthing person and more about the infant and their wellness – and while this is extremely important, we shouldn’t forget about the care and wellness of the birthing person. 

When you are hiring me as your postpartum doula – I want to be there for the birthing person and what they need. This could be education, it could be sleep or a shower, it could be help with breastfeeding. Whatever you need – I am there. 

Do you have packages?

I don’t offer packages – however I do offer different payment plans that you can look at within the contract. Schedule a consult with me and we can find the perfect fit for you!

I have so many more questions...

That is great! If you didn’t have questions, I would be worried. To learn more you can always click “Book FREE Consult!” or head to my “Contact” page.