What to Expect

Whether you are a parent or an educator here are some insights into working with Esco Birth & Family and Caitlin:

For parents….from the very beginning and into those first few years, I am here to help guide you while you navigate pregnancy, postpartum, and parenthood. I offer birth & postpartum support, childbirth education, and parent classes as well as 1:1 consulting. Contact me below to schedule a FREE consult so that we can discuss how to best meet your needs. 

For educators…working with young children and parents is important work. I want to provide your teachers and school with the tools to help meet the needs of those parents and children. I offer educational consulting and mentorship to your infant/toddler community, professional development, and workshops for your parent community. Contact me below so that we can discuss how to meet your needs. 

email me directly: escobirthandfamily@gmail.com

people, man, adult

"We shall walk together...

on this path of life, for all things are part of the universe and are connected with each other to form one whole unity.” 

– Maria Montessori